The brain produces great attraction for those chocolate. This research has revealed. According to scientists looking at chocolate Inckefeline brain secretes chemicals like opium in Niostretum is reached.
University of Michigan, team of research Niostretum miraculously brought to the role.
Alexander found that chocolate Niostretum the front
part of the brain into seeing the commotion. Scientific journal 'Current Biology' The experiments conducted on mice, according to the tendencies of humans eating information.
According to the statement of the University of Inckefeline secretion in mice by the food was wrapped in chocolate. Inckefeline more attracted towards the same rat chocolate.
University of Michigan, team of research Niostretum miraculously brought to the role.
Alexander found that chocolate Niostretum the front
part of the brain into seeing the commotion. Scientific journal 'Current Biology' The experiments conducted on mice, according to the tendencies of humans eating information.
According to the statement of the University of Inckefeline secretion in mice by the food was wrapped in chocolate. Inckefeline more attracted towards the same rat chocolate.